Ashenbrenner Trucking
Ashenbrenner Trucking

We Support

We proudly support our communities in different ways through donations to Wapello County Sheriff’s Department, Makaska County Sheriff’s Department, as well as Eddyville, Blakesburg, Fremont schools, Cardinal School System, and Indian Hills College in Ottumwa, Iowa. On the personal side of life, we are also proud supporters of the local food bank, pay it forward program, and Good Will. At Christmas time, we also support the “Toys for Tots” program. Teaching the grandkids how to think of other people and doing God’s work is an important part of our lives.

Through donations in the community, both Sheriff’s departments were able to purchase and train drug-detection dogs to help keep our communities safe. We know “Hex the Best” as he has been brought down to our house several times with Sheriff Donald McMartin of Wapello County. The level of skills and talents one dog can show you he is capable of is simply amazing! We are proud to be sponsors and have Aschenbrenner Trucking’s name associated with these programs. We are proud of the school districts our grandchildren are a part of and enjoy watching them in all their various sports, concerts, and programs. We promote the local college as they are always growing and expanding to improve what they can offer the community for courses and careers, as well as Ottumwa’s YMCA’s youth programs providing early-age sports unavailable at elementary schools.